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What does Outreach do?
  1. Mission and Service. We continue to reach our goal each year. We raised over $18,000 last year as a church to support programs to help the homeless and those in need.

  2. We reach out to assist other programs that help people ex: Salvation Army, Downtown Mission, Hiatus House, Habitat for Humanity.

  3. Communion Service at Iler Lodge at 10:30am, the 1st Thursday of each month.
  4. Afternoon UCW Unit meets at Iler Lodge at 2:00pm, the 3rd Thursday of each month.  
  5. Refugee program. We are assisting the Syrian refugee crisis with finanical donations and volunteering.

6. We have a group of 18+ year olds who use our gym twice a week throughout the year as part of SSC (Sports and Social Club).

7. We invite the community to share togetherness. We provide hot beverages at the Essex Christmas parade. We provide a Canada Day Celebration with food and music. These events are free to the public.

8. We help the local food banks with food donations.

9. We send food ocassionally to the Windsor Youth Centre. 

10. We have a prep and serve team that helps with the Downtown Mission

Downtown Mission at GessTwood camp

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