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To have prayers said or to become part of the connection: Leave a message with Susan at the Church Office (519-776-5121). Remember this is strictly confidential.



Lectionary Readings

November 26 ~ Reign of Christ

Ezekiel 34:11–16, 20–24    Psalm 100                 Psalm 95:1–7a

Ephesians 1:15–23             Matthew 25:31–46


December 3 ~ Advent I

Isaiah 64:1–9                        Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19

1 Corinthians 1:3–9 Mark 13:24–37


Upcoming at Essex: 


Wed. Nov. 29              6:30 pm        Cubs/Scouts/Beavers

Thurs. Nov. 30            3:05 pm        Junior Choir

Fri. Dec. 1                   8:00 pm        AA (Board Room)

Sat. Dec. 2               10:00 am        Christmas Craft Show

Sun. Dec. 3               10:30 am        Coffee before Worship

                                    10:45 am        Carol Singing

                                   11:00 am   Worship Service

                                    11:30 am        Christmas Craft Show




Howdy Partners!

 Line Dancing has been postponed until January.  See you then.


For the month of November,  our food donations are for the Salvation Army Food Bank.


The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts continue to collect pop cans.  Please bring them in, in a bag and leave them in the gym.



Friends of Essex United Church are offering rides to persons using walkers, and any others who would like to attend services at any time.  Please contact the church office. Susan will then pass along any requests to FEUC.



In The Community...

We are open for our new volunteers for our Salvation Army Meal Team. We prep, cook, serve, and cleanup once every three weeks.

We also placed a labelled box in the Narthex for the Windsor Youth Cenre who we have adopted to help from time to time.

Our immediate needs are as followed:

Mr. Noodles

Chef Boyardee

Cheese Slices

Granola Bars

Pop top cans of chili

Peanut Butter

Pudding cups

Kraft Dinner

Bus tickets and money



When people put me down, O God, remind me of my value. 

When people put others down, empower me to speak out on their behalf.

When people put themselves down, help me to assure them that all of us are your children, loved wholly, and unconditionally by you. Amen.

Prayers for all seasons. 







1. Junior Choir

All 6-12 year olds welcome! They sing monthly during worship. It offers young folks a chance to perform in a safe enviornment. Contact the office or Pastor Jim if interested.


2. Scouting Program

Registration begins this fall on September 14th in the church gym. Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts are held on Wednesdays at 6:30. 


3. Junior Readers

Junior readers are a part of worship. Reading scripture gives young people an opportunity to read/speak in front of others in a safe environment. The pastor has a sign up list avaliable. 



The United Church has promised to do what it can to respond to the report of the Truth and Reconcilation Commission. We are holding six seminars this fall for 12 to 17 year olds to begin to study residential schools and how we need to respond to the Commission findings. These seminars will be on the following topics and dates:



Looking for a economical space to rent?

We have a variety of spaces available at a reasonable cost.  

Planning a bridal or baby shower?

Need space for a basketball game or volleyball game? 

Hosting a meeting or day-long workshop?

Call Susan at 519-776-5121 for our rates and availability.

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